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The Dean’s Word: 15 years anniversary of the School of Political Affairs. MGIMO-University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation
School of Political Affairs at MGIMO-University is one of the oldest among all Schools of Political Science and Politics in Russia. Unlike many other Russian institutions of higher learning that are focused on training lecturers in Political Science or Politics, here at MGIMO-University we established our own “full-cycle” School of Political Affairs which implies training political scientists up to highest qualification (BA, MA, PhD, Dr.Pol.Sc) of lecturers, researchers, diplomats, consultants and practitioners. The unique nature of our School lets offer prospective students education in a wider range of specializations, than in many other higher educational institutions in Russia, and at the same time provide them with profound theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
There are 7 Departments at the School of Political Affairs: Department of Comparative Politics, Department of World Politics, Department of Political Theory, Department of Applied Analysis of International Relations, Department of Political Economy and Economic Policy, Department of Civil Society, Department of Language Training. Basic training for all specializations includes Political Science with an emphasis on international issues as a distinctive feature of MGIMO-University. Department of Political Economy and Economic Policy is oriented on case study of political regulation of economic process and also on business-government relations. The Department of World Politics and the Department of Applied Analysis of International Relations place special emphasis on international analysis and management of interaction in the sphere of world politics. The graduates of the Department of Comparative Politics are specializing in comparative analysis of political process and political expertise. The Department of Political Theory concentrates on theoretical issues, and the Department of Civil Society does research and training in creation of Civil Society issues. The Department of Language Training ensures the preparation in foreign languages (English, French, German, Spanish and Chinese) and the research on language-related issues.
Our School opens up unique opportunity for undergraduates not only to gain knowledge from the faculty of MGIMO-University itself, but also to broaden knowledge thanks to partnerships and exchange programs with higher educational institutions in various countries. For this purpose various internship programs as well as language training programs in partner-universities are available for students at different levels of education. In addition, there are special courses of prominent visiting professors held at our School. Political scientists from Sciences Po (Paris), Freie Universität Berlin, Stanford University, University of California (Berkeley), North Carolina, Iowa, Columbia, New York University and State University of New York, Oxford University, University of Bergen (Universitetet i Bergen, Norway), Yuan Zhi University, China Institute of International Affairs, Delhi University and many other universities come to the School to deliver their courses and guest lectures. “In return” the School organizes various specialized courses that are in demand with foreign students.
There is close cooperation of the School of Political Affairs and Freie Universität Berlin in delivering the unique BA-level certificate program German Studies, Russia. The sphere of this cooperation includes as well one of the first double-diploma Master’s programs at MGIMO-University – Russian-French Master’s Program in International Relations and World Politics that is organized jointly with Sciences Po (Paris). Sciences Po is one of the world's top international training centers for specialists in Political Science, International Relations and World Politics. Similar program is implemented in collaboration with German universities: Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The graduates get double diploma and, what is the most important, the possibility to study internationally to obtain additional skills and knowledge.
For undergraduates of the School of Political Affairs there are introductory internships in the Russian Parliament and other government bodies (Administration of the President, Government Administration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries), private consulting companies and think-tanks. Recently new forms have emerged, for example internships in foreign embassies.
The faculty extensively employs game training in the academic activity. Both in the sphere of comparative politics and international relations modelling of conflicts and working out tactics for their resolution provide students with a unique set of practical competencies. Different computer teaching methods and innovative methods of testing students’ knowledge are also being adopted.
Alumni of the School easily find themselves in professional life. Students specializing in Comparative Politics work as political analysts, speech-writers or comparative political science researchers. In this sector in Russia the demand is increasing. Alumni in World Politics work for Russian and international organizations specializing in organizational support of international activity and international analysis. They act as diplomats, international political scientists\managers, international experts\mediators, and advisers at different levels. There is an increasing demand for qualified political scientists\international experts in international departments of national and international companies that are growing in number in Russia.
About 80 professors and lecturers work in the Department. Among them there are the experts in international relations and political science having wide experience of practical work in the MFA of Russia and other departments of state administration, in private sector, as well as in the structures engaging in fundamental and applied research. Senior members of the faculty at different times were: Andrei Kokoshin (Head of the Parliamentary Committee), Yuri Pivovarov (Director of RAS Institute), Yevgenyi Primakov (former Prime Minister), Tatiana Alexeeva, Alexey Bogaturov (First Vice-Rector of MGIMO-University), Irina Busigina, Alexei D.Voskressenski (current Dean), Oxana Gaman-Golutvina, Andrey Degtyaryov, Igor Ivanov (former Foreign Minister), Mikhail Ilyin, Alexander Konovalov, Nikolai Kosolapov, Vladimir Kulagin, Marina Lebedeva, Olga Malinova, Andrei Melville (former Vice-Rector for Research), Alexander Nikitin, Victor Sergeev, Alexander Solovyov, Mark Khrustalev, Pavel Tsygankov, Dmitry Feldman, Tatiana Shakleina.
The School of Political Affairs develops cooperation with foreign partners engaging in intensive academic research and lecturing in the sphere of Political Science and Politics. On different stages among our foreign partners were colleagues from Stanford University, University of California (Berkeley), North Carolina, Iowa, Columbia University and Brown University, State University of New York, Sciences Po, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Oxford, University of Bergen (Universitetet i Bergen, Norway), Upsala University (Uppsala Universitet, Sweden), Delhi University (India), Institute of International Relations of the MFA of PRC, Fudan University (China), Yuan Zhi University etc.
Professor, Dr. Pol. Sc. Alexei D. Voskressenski — Professor of Comparative Politics and Asian Studies, MGIMO-University (Moscow). He received his M.A. (summa cum laude) in Chinese Studies from Moscow State University, holds a PhD in Political Science / Government Studies from the Victoria University of Manchester (GB) and a PhD in Asian Studies from the Institute of Far Eastern Studies (Moscow). He is the author, co-author, and editor of fifty books (the latest is The East and Politics: Political Systems, Political Cultures, Political Process (Aspect Press, 2011), of which twelve are monographs including Russia and China. A Theory of Interstate Relations (Routledge, 2003) and Political Systems and Models of Democracy in the East (Aspect Press, 2007). He also edits a Russian journal, Comparative Politics.
Koldunova Yekaterina Veler’evna — Vice-Dean, PhD in Political Science.
Okunev Igor Yurievich — Vice-Dean, PhD in Political Science.
Departments at the School of Political Affairs:
The Department of Comparative Politics
Head: Prof. Dr. Pol. Sc. Oxana Gaman-Golutvina. The Department does teaching and research in Political Science and Comparative Politics.
The Department of Political Theory
Head: Prof. Dr. of Philosophy Tatiana Alexeeva. The Department teaches students general problems and theoretical approaches to contemporary Political Science and International Affairs. The main focus of the Department is the analysis and the development of concepts and theories.
The Department of World Politics
Head: Prof. Dr. of Philosophy Marina Lebedeva. The Department deals with World Politics.
The Department of Applied Analysis of International Problems
Head: Professor, Dr. of History Tatiana Shakleina. The Department teaches methods of applied analysis of international issues, political management of economic and international processes.
The Department of Civil Society
Head: LLD Vladislav Grib. The Department was established in June 2008 meeting demands of the development of civil society in Russia and on request of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The Department concentrates on contemporary mechanisms of civil society and on the mechanism of human rights protection.
The Department of Political Economy and Economic Policy
Head: Dr. Elena Zavialova, PhD in Economics. The Department was established in 2011 in collaboration with IKEA to teach Political Economy, Economic policy and to make research on government-business relations.
The Department of Language Training
Head: Dr. Irina Mazaeva, PhD in Linguistics. The main goal of the Department to ensure the implementation of the requirements of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in teaching English as a language of professional activities.