Address: 26/55, Bldg. 7, Kosmodamianskaya Emb., Moscow, 115035
(495) 953-91-08, 617-18-88.

The order of review


by Editor-in-Chief of

Publishing Group "JURIST"


V.V. Grib

January 13, 2014



for Review of Articles Submitted for Publication in Journals of Publishing Group "JURIST"


1. The present Procedure for review of manuscripts submitted for publication in journals of Publishing Group "JURIST" (hereinafter - the Editors) shall determine the procedure for review of manuscripts of scientific articles submitted by authors for publication (hereinafter - the Manuscript(s)). 

2. The Manuscripts submitted for consideration without regard to the Articles Submission Guidelines (hereinafter - the Submission Guidelines) (Appendix 1) shall not be registered.  

3. The Manuscript of a scientific article submitted to the Editors shall be considered by an employee of the scientific-editorial department with regard to conformity thereof with the Submission Guidelines and the scientific profile of the Journal. In case of conformity with all the requirements the Manuscript shall be registered in the database, the author of the Manuscript shall be notified of admission of the Manuscript for consideration.

4. Each Manuscript submitted for publication to the Editors shall go through the review procedure for an expert review. At the discretion of the author the author's review can also be submitted, but this fact shall not exclude the regular procedure of review.

4.1. The Manuscript's review shall be performed by the editor-in-chief of the Journal or a member of the Editorial Council and/or the Editorial Board of the Journal, whose scientific specialization is the closest to the topic of the article and who is a recognized expert on the subject of peer-reviewed materials and has publications on that subject over the last three years.

4.2. The editor-in-chief has the right to attract external reviewers (doctors or candidates of sciences, including practitioners) who are not members of the Editorial Council and/or the Editorial Board. The editor-in-chief shall reconcile with the reviewer the period for submission of a review to the Editors of the Journal.

4.3. The reviewer cannot be an author or a co-author of the Manuscript to be reviewed, the same is true about the research advisor or an employee of the subdivision where the author works. If the Editors cannot involve with reviewing a specialist of a due level in the sphere of knowledge which is touched upon in the Manuscript, the Editors of the Journal shall ask the author to submit an external review.

4.4. The reviewer in the course of sending to him of the Manuscript for review shall be notified that the Manuscript is an intellectual property of authors and shall be confidential.

Reviewers shall be prohibited:

— to use the Manuscript for their own needs or needs of third persons;

— to disclose the content of the Manuscript before publication thereof;

— to pass over the Manuscript for review to another person without obtaining approval of the editor-in chief;

— to use information of the Manuscript before publication thereof in their own interests.

4.5. Communication between the author and the reviewer shall be performed through the Editors of the Journal.

4.6. The Editors shall reserve the right not to provide the author of the article with information about the reviewer.  

5. The Manuscript shall be passed over to the reviewer without specification of any details about its authors. The review shall assess the article in an objective way and contain a comprehensive analysis of scientific and methodological advantages and disadvantages thereof. The review shall be prepared in a free format with obligatory coverage of the following points:

1) timeliness of the Manuscript submitted for publication;

2) academic novelty of results of the study considered in the manuscript;

3) significance of the problem statement or the results obtained for the further development of theory and practice in the sphere of knowledge in question;

4) actualness of methods of study and statistical treatment of the content;

5) justifiableness of the scope of the Manuscript;

6) feasibility of use of tables and illustrations in the Manuscript, correspondence thereof to the topic of the Manuscript and timeliness thereof;

7) correspondence of conclusions to the purpose and tasks of the study;

8) clarity of presentation of the content: style, terminology and formulation;

9) quality of research of sources and correctness of formalization of references.

5.1. The operative part of the review shall contain well-founded conclusions regarding the Manuscript in general and a clear recommendation on feasibility of publication thereof in the Journal, refusal of publication or the necessity of follow-up revision thereof.

5.2. In accordance with results of the review the Manuscript can be:  

1) approved for publication.

The final decision on publication of the Manuscript in the Journal shall be taken at the session of the Editorial Council and/or the Editorial Board with participation of the editor-in-chief of the Journal.

2) refusal of publication.

In case of a negative assessment of the Manuscript the reviewer shall substantiate his/her conclusions and point out to the content inconsistencies which influenced the decision. The Editors shall send the author a substantiated refusal or a copy of the review.  

3) sent for follow-up revision and rectifying deficiencies.

5.3. In case on nonconformity of the Manuscript with one or several criteria the reviewer shall note in the review the necessity of follow-up revision of the article and give recommendations to the author with regard to rectifying deficiencies. The author of the Manuscript shall make all the necessary corrections in the final version of the Manuscript not later than 7 calendar days after receipt of an e-mail notification and return to the Editors the revised text and the covering letter to the Reviewer. The Manuscripts revised by the author shall be submitted for review to the same reviewer who made negative comments or to another one at the discretion of the editor-in-chief.

The Manuscripts submitted by authors who did not remedy criticism of the reviewer or deny it with reason shall not be taken for publication.

5.4. If the author disagrees with the criticism of the reviewer he can ask for the second review or recall the Manuscript, he shall notify the Editors regarding the above and get a confirmation regarding removal of the Manuscript from the consideration list.  

5.5. The Editors of the Journal at the request of the author shall inform him on the course of consideration of the Manuscript and the final decision. The information shall be given only to the author of the Manuscript.

5.6. If publication of the Manuscript resulted in violation of someone's copyright or generally accepted rules of scientific ethics, the Editors of the Journal shall have the right to publish a refutation and inform the concerned parties on the fact of rights' violation.  

5.7. Reviews shall be kept with the Editors of the Journal for the period of 5 years and submitted to the The Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation at the requirement of expert councils.


Appendix 1

The Submission Guidelines for Articles and Other Content Submitted for Publication in Journals of Publishing Group "JURIST"


1.   Articles shall be submitted in electronic form (Word 7.0 or later version) to (text: spacing - 1,5 lines; font size - 14; signed by the author on the last page; continuous footnotes numeration at the end of the article with Arabic numerals). The text shall not exceed 10 pages. Articles submitted to several journals shall not be taken for consideration; if the fact of submission of the article to several journals is detected, articles of such an author shall not be taken for consideration in future.

2.   The author shall be informed of the status of his article upon request.

3.   The contract regarding provision of the right to use the work shall be concluded in oral form and is free, i.e. payment for publication of articles shall not be taken from authors (including postgraduate students) and no compensation shall be paid to authors. By submitting the article for publication the author shall agree to any reduction and editing thereof, its placement in reference-legal systems, databases, electronic resources (including Internet) which have relevant contracts with the Editors. The article submitted to the Editors shall be accompanied by a covering letter.

4.   The article shall contain the following elements formalized in accordance with requirements of the Journal:

a)  index UDK (universal decimal classification) and BBK (library-bibliographic classification) (to be assigned in accordance with the classifier);

b)  title of the article in Russian and in English;

c)   author's details: family name, name, parental name, position, work place, scientific degree, academic rank in Russian and in English;

d)  abstract of the article (150–200 words) in Russian and in English;

e)  key words of the text of the article (4-6 words or word expressions) in Russian and in English;

f)   office address or e-mail address for publication in the Journal.

Additionally the author shall submit in the Russian language a bibliographic list for the article (it shall be prepared in the alphabet order and consist of titles of scientific sources cited in references in the text of the article). The information submitted to the Editors in accordance with the present point shall be placed in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index).  

5. Articles of postgraduate students and candidate degree-seeking students shall be signed by the research advisor/consultant.  

6. Articles that do not correspond to the requirements mentioned in the present list shall not be taken for consideration and review.  

7. Authors shall check carefully orthography of articles and correctness of spelling of relevant juridical terms as well as the presence of necessary information before submitting them to the Editors.

8. After such check the electronic variant of the article signed by the author and covering documents shall be submitted to the Editors (e-mail:


If any questions in connection with formalization of articles arise the author shall refer them to the Editors at (495) 953-91-08 or e-mail:

The Editors' address: Bldg. 7, 26/55, Kosmodamianskaya Emb., Moscow, 115035.