Адрес: 115035, г. Москва, Космодамианская набережная, д. 26/55, стр. 7 Тел.: (495)953-91-08,
617-18-88, 8-800-333-28-04 (по России бесплатно)
Предпринимательское право - Приложение №3 – 2017
Personal Bankruptcy Institution under the Legislation of the Russian Federation (lecture in the context of the Legal Regulation of Insolvency (Bankruptcy) master’s program course)
Liability of Persons Exercising Control over Debtor at Insolvency (Bankruptcy) (lecture in the context of an Entrepreneurial Law course)
Legal Regulation of Bank Insolvency (Bankruptcy) Prevention (lecture in the context of an Entrepreneurial Law course)